Below is a glossary of data attributes common to the meat and livestock supply chain industry.

RMSCC Data Attributes

Attribute Authority Abbreviation Format Value Source Purpose
Abn String (n11) Lookup Australian Business Number or Australian Company Number of an entity. Validated from registry. Used with a Suffix for context.
ActionReason String (an1..100) Recorded Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
ausmeatBovineMarbling Integer (n1) Measured Marbling is the fat that is deposited between muscle fibres.
ausMeatEstablishmentNumber String (a7) Recorded Slaughter Establishment Number
Authority String (an6) List Authority responsible for attribute or standard.
beefMeatColour String (an1..2) Measured Meat Colour is the predominant colour of the rib eye muscle.
BeginningOfMessage Array Created Identifies a group of elements related to the specific message
BodyNumber Integer (n1..5) Generated Body Number of the carcase
bovineAlternativeCategory String (a1..20) Measured Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals.
bovineAlternativeCategoryCipher String (a5) Measured Alternative Category Cipher for Bovine defined as *YS*, *Y*, *YGS*, *YG*, *YPS*, *YP*, *PRS*, *PR*, *S*, *SS*, *C*, *YE*, *YGE* or *BYG*
bovineBasicCategory String (a4) Measured Basic Category for Bovine defined as VEAL, BEEF or BULL
bovineBasicCategoryCipher String (a3) Measured Basic Category Cipher for Bovine defined as *V*, *A* or *B*
bovineCarcaseSex String (a1) Measured Sex determined for a carcase after the point of knocking.
bovineDent Integer (n1) Measured Determined by the eruption of permanent incisor teeth in veal, yearling, young beef, young prime beef, prime beef, ox and cow categories
BovineHangMethodCode String (a2) Recorded Defines the Hand Method for the carcase through processing.
caprineAlternativeCategory String (a1..15) Measured Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals.
caprineAlternativeCategoryCipher String (a4) Measured Alternative Category Cipher for Caprine is defined as *GK*, *GC*, *GD*, *GW*, *GB*
caprineBasicCategory String (a4) Measured Basic Category for Caprine is defined as GOAT
caprineBasicCategoryCipher String (a3) Measured Basic Category Cipher for Caprine is defined as *G*
caprineSupplementarySpecification String (a12) Measured Determined by grouping by weight (HSCW) to determine a class
caprineSupplementarySpecificationCipher String (a4) Measured Supplementary Cipher for Caprine is define as *GK*
CarcaseData Array Created Identifies a group of data elements related to specific carcases.
carcaseMaturity Integer (n2..3) Measured Maturity scoring provides a scale for the assessment of physiological age of a beef carcase.
ChainNumber Integer (n1) List Identifies the chain number.
chillerAssessment Array Created To assess, grade or class carcases using a uniform set of standards under controlled conditions.
conditionCount a(8) Recorded Count of occur condition for industry code
containerCode String (an11) Recorded Identifies the a specific Freight Container using the ISO Standard 6346 (Freight Containers-coding, identification and marking) BIC code.
DeviceData Array Created Identifies a group of data elements related to a specific devices.
disposition an(20) Recorded Undertake formal post mortem or ante mortem inspection to provide a disposition
EquipmentBrand String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the specific brand of equipment
EquipmentModel String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the specific model of equipment
EquipmentSerialIncrement String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the amount by which the equipment increments it's measurement serial number.
EquipmentSerialNumber String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the specific serial number of a piece of equipment
EstablishmentNumber String (an1..7) Lookup Defines the Establishment Number using AUS-MEAT number.
eyeMuscleArea Integer (n1..3) Measured Area of the surface of the M.longissimus dorsi at the ribbing site.
fatColour Integer (n1) Measured Colour of the intermuscular fat lateral to the rib eye muscle and adjacent to the M.iliocostalis
fatDistribution String (a1) Measured The coverage and distribution of subcutaneous fat on a carcase.
feedType String (a10) Recorded Feed type used in an animal feeding operation
FirmwareVersion String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the specific firmware version of a piece of equipment or device.
gln n(13) Created GS1 Global Location Number
grFat Integer (n1..3) Measured Ovine (Sheep / Goat) GR fat measurement
gtin String (n14) Created Item Identification. Primary identification of the product carton or carcase.
HardwareVersion String (an1..100) Recorded Identifies the specific hardware version of a piece of equipment
hgpCarcase String (a1) Recorded Hormones supplements which are used in cattle to accelerate weight gain and feed efficiency.
hgpLiveAnimal String (a1) Recorded Hormones supplements which are used in cattle to accelerate weight gain and feed efficiency.
hscwSideOrPortion Decimal (0..2) Measured Hot Standard Carcase Weight for a side or some portion (eg left site or right hind quarter) of a carcase.
hscwTotal Decimal (0..2) Measured Hot Standard Carcase Weight total for the carcase
humpHeight Integer (n1) Measured Determines the Tropical Breed Content (Bos indicus)
industryCode string(8) Created Industry Code Value
IndustryDataStandard String (an13) Lookup Code for the identification of specification.
KillDate String (n8) Recorded Nominated kill date in the format ccyymmdd.
KillLot String (an1..6) Recorded Identifies a specific group of animal at time of slaughter.
KillLotCount Integer (n1..4) Recorded Count of the head for a nominated lot or mob of livestock.
KillLotStartNumber Integer (n1..4) Recorded Identifies the starting body number of a kill lot.
LotCount Integer (n1..4) Recorded Count of the head for a nominated lot or mob of livestock.
lpaPIC String (an1..30) Created An eight character code to identify a livestock producing property.
MeasurementAssigned String (an1..100) Recorded Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option.
MeasurementDateTime Date UTC+Offset Generated Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format (ISO8601) with location offset.
MeasurementDevice String (an1..100) Measured Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used.
MeasurementHuman String (an1..100) Recorded Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value "NVR" is to be used for "No Value Record".
MeasurementOperator String (an1..100) Recorded Identifier of a suitability trained an qualified person. Preferred ID is via AUS-MEAT number, if no AUS-MEAT number exists, a suitably unique processor identifier should be used. If there is no Human operator use code: "NO OPERATOR"
MeasurementOperatorType String (an1) Recorded Is the identifier in the rmsccMeasurementOperator field an AUS-MEAT ID.
MeasurementsData Array Created Identifies a group of data elements related to specific measurements.
MeasurementSerialNumber String (an1..100) Recorded The unique measurement identifier for each record.
MeasurementType String (an2..100) Measured Defines what is being measured. The value would normally be an published Attribute Code.
MessageFunction String (n1) List Indicates a original, replacement or cancellation of a message.
MessageGUID String (an36) Generated GUID that uniquely identifies the message.
MessageType Array Recorded Identifies a group of elements related to the type of message payload
MessageVersionIndicator String (an1) Recorded Version indicator of this message. Starts at A, and each subsequent message must increment to the next letter.
msaBovineMarbling string (n100..1190) Measured Marbling is the fat that is deposited between muscle fibres.
mtc Array Recorded Document for transfer of product
nfas String (a20) Recorded National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme is a QA program for Australian lot feeding industry
nvdSerialNumber Integer (n6..8) Created National Vendor Declaration is a legal document for red meat traceability and market access.
ovineAlternativeCategory String (a1..20) Measured Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals.
ovineAlternativeCategoryCipher String (a4) Measured Alternative Category Cipher for Ovine is defined as *YL*, *H*, *E*, *W*
ovineBasicCategory String (a6) Measured Basic Category for Ovine defined as LAMB, MUTTON or RAM
ovineBasicCategoryCipher String (a3) Measured Basic Category Cipher for Ovine is defined as *L*, *M*, *R*
ovineCarcaseSex String (a1) Measured Sex is determined for a carcase after the point of knocking.
ovineDent Integer (n1) Meausred Determined by the eruption of permanent incisor teeth in lamb, hogget, mutton and ram categories.
p2Fat Integer (n1..3) Measured Porcine (Pig) P2 fat measurement
p8Fat Integer (n1..3) Measured Bovine (Beef) P8 fat measurement
packingDate n(6) Created Packaging date (YYMMDD)
packingMethods string (a1..20) Recorded Correct packaging of red meat meat for overall quality and shelf life of the product.
packingMethodSymbol String (a3) List Symbols used to indicate packing methods
PayloadName String (an41) Recorded Payload name.
pH Integer (n1..2) Measured Measurement of lactic acid within the muscle.
postStunWeight Decimal (0..2) Measured Representation of the animal live weight as near to the time of stunning or knocking as possible.
processorPIC String (an1..8) Recorded Property Identification Code for processing establishments.
rfid an(16) Created Purpose to track and trace in livestock
ribFatMeasurement Integer (n1..2) Measured Measurement of the thickness of subcutaneous fat at a specified rib.
saleyardPIC String (an8) Recorded Property Identification Codes for Saleyards
SoftwareVersion String (an1..100) Recorded Records version of the software of a device or system.
Species String (a4..10) List Defines the species
sscc n(18) Created Serial Shipping Container Code used in logistics
StunningDateTime Date UTC+Offset Generated Stunning or Knocking Date and Time in a UTC format with time zone offset.
supplyChainSuffix an(1000) Recorded Context of the data attribute
vealMeatColour String (an1..2) Measured Meat Colour is predominant colour of the rib eye muscle (M.longissimus dorsi).
VersionNumber String (an5) List Version of the payload type