Below is a glossary of data attributes common to the meat and livestock supply chain industry.
RMSCC Data Attributes
Attribute | Authority | Data Element/Tag | Format | Value list | Value Source | AKA | Purpose |
ausmeatAccreditedEstablishmentNumber | String (an1..7) | No | Recorded | AUS-MEAT Number Est. Number Processing Plant |
Defines the AUS-MEAT Accredited Establishment Number. | ||
abrAbn | String (n11) | No | Recorded | Australian Business Number or Australian Company Number of an entity. Validated from registry. Used with a Suffix for context. | |||
rmsccAuthority | String (an6) | No | Grouping tag | Authority responsible for attribute or standard. | |||
ausmeatBeefMeatColour | String (an1..2) | Yes | Measured | Meat Colour is the predominant colour of the rib eye muscle. | |||
ausmeatBovineAlternativeCategory | String (a1..20) | Yes | Measured | Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals. | |||
ausmeatBovineAlternativeCategoryCipher | String (a5) | Yes | Measured | Alternative Category Cipher for Bovine defined as *YS*, *Y*, *YGS*, *YG*, *YPS*, *YP*, *PRS*, *PR*, *S*, *SS*, *C*, *YE*, *YGE* or *BYG* | |||
ausmeatBovineBasicCategory | String (a4) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category for Bovine defined as VEAL, BEEF or BULL | |||
ausmeatBovineBasicCategoryCipher | String (a3) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category Cipher for Bovine defined as *V*, *A* or *B* | |||
ausmeatBovineCarcaseSex | String (a1) | Yes | Measured | Sex determined for a carcase through the slaughter process. | |||
ausmeatBovineDent | Integer (n1) | Yes | Measured | Determined by the eruption of permanent incisor teeth in veal, yearling, young beef, young prime beef, prime beef, ox and cow categories | |||
ausmeatFatColour | Integer (n1) | Yes | Measured | Colour of the intermuscular fat lateral to the rib eye muscle and adjacent to the M.iliocostalis | |||
msaBovineHangMethodCode | String (a2) | Yes | Recorded | Defines the Hang Method for the carcase through processing. | |||
ausmeatAusmeatBovineMarbling | Integer (n1) | Yes | Measured | Marbling is the fat that is deposited between muscle fibres. | |||
ausmeatP8Fat | Integer (n1..3) | No | Measured | Bovine (Beef) P8 fat measurement | |||
ausmeatCaprineAlternativeCategory | String (a1..15) | Yes | Measured | CHEVON | Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals. | ||
ausmeatCaprineAlternativeCategoryCipher | String (a4) | Yes | Measured | Alternative Category Cipher for Caprine is defined as *GK*, *GC*, *GD*, *GW*, *GB* | |||
ausmeatCaprineBasicCategory | String (a4) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category for Caprine is defined as GOAT | |||
ausmeatCaprineBasicCategoryCipher | String (a3) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category Cipher for Caprine is defined as *G* | |||
ausmeatCaprineSupplementarySpecification | String (a12) | Yes | Measured | CAPRETTO KID | Determined by grouping by weight (HSCW) to determine a class | ||
ausmeatCaprineSupplementarySpecificationCipher | String (a4) | Yes | Measured | Supplementary Cipher for Caprine is define as *GK* | |||
rmsccCarcaseData | Array | No | Created | Identifies a group of data elements related to specific carcases. | |||
ausmeatCarcaseMaturity | Integer (n2..3) | No | Measured | Ossification Hot Oss Cold Oss |
Maturity scoring provides a scale for the assessment of physiological age of a beef carcase. | ||
ausmeatChillerAssessment | Array | No | Created | To assess, grade or class carcases using a uniform set of standards under controlled conditions. | |||
rmsccConditionCount | a(8) | No | Recorded | Count of occur condition for industry code | |||
rmsccDdIndustryCode | string(8) | No | Created | Industry Code Value | |||
rmsccDisposition | an(20) | Yes | Recorded | Undertake formal post mortem or ante mortem inspection to provide a disposition | |||
rmsccEquipmentSerialNumber | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the specific serial number of a piece of equipment | |||
ausmeatEyeMuscleArea | Integer (n1..3) | No | Measured | EMA | Area of the surface of the M.longissimus dorsi at the ribbing site. | ||
ausmeatFatDistribution | String (a1) | Yes | Measured | FAT FAT DIST |
The coverage and distribution of subcutaneous fat on a carcase. | ||
rmsccFeedType | String (a10) | Yes | Recorded | Feed type used in an animal feeding operation | |||
bicContainerCode | String (an11) | No | Recorded | Container Number | Identifies the a specific Freight Container using the ISO Standard 6346 (Freight Containers-coding, identification and marking) BIC code. | ||
gs1Gln | n(13) | No | Created | GS1 Global Location Number | |||
gs1Gtin | String (n14) | No | Created | Item Identification. Primary identification of the product carton or carcase. | |||
daffHgpCarcase | String (a1) | Yes | Recorded | HGP | HGP treatment status | ||
daffHgpLiveAnimal | String (a1) | Yes | Recorded | HGP | Hormones supplements Status which are used in cattle to accelerate weight gain and feed efficiency. | ||
ausmeatHscwSideOrPortion | Decimal (0..2) | No | Measured | Hot Standard Carcase Weight for a side or some portion (eg left site or right hind quarter) of a carcase. | |||
ausmeatHscwTotal | Decimal (0..2) | No | Measured | Hot Standard Carcase Weight total for the carcase | |||
ausmeatHumpHeight | Integer (n1) | Yes | Measured | TBC | Determines the Tropical Breed Content (Bos indicus) | ||
rmsccIndustryDataStandard | String (an13) | No | Lookup | Code for the identification of specification. | |||
rmsccKillDate | String (n8) | No | Recorded | Nominated kill date in the format ccyymmdd. | |||
ausmeatKillLot | String (an1..6) | No | Recorded | A number issued by the slaughter establishment that identifies a specific group of animal at time of slaughter. | |||
rmsccKillLotCount | Integer (n1..4) | No | Recorded | Count of the head for a nominated lot or mob of livestock. | |||
rmsccKillLotStartNumber | Integer (n1..4) | No | Recorded | Identifies the starting body number of a kill lot. | |||
lpaPIC | String (an8) | No | Recorded | Producer PIC Vendor PIC |
An eight character code to identify a livestock producing property. | ||
rmsccBeginningOfMessage | Array | No | Grouping tag | Identifies a group of elements related to the specific message | |||
daffMtcNumber | Array | No | Recorded | MTC | Document for transfer of product | ||
rmsccMessageFunction | String (n1) | No | List | Indicates a original, replacement or cancellation of a message. | |||
rmsccMessageGUID | String (an36) | No | Generated | GUID that uniquely identifies the message. | |||
rmsccMessageType | Array | No | Recorded | Identifies a group of elements related to the type of message payload | |||
rmsccMessageVersionIndicator | String (an1) | No | Recorded | Version indicator of this message. Starts at A, and each subsequent message must increment to the next letter. | |||
msaMsaBovineMarbling | string (n100..1190) | Yes | Measured | Marbling is the fat that is deposited between muscle fibres. | |||
msaMemberNumber | String (an4) | No | Recorded | MSA MSA Number |
Defines the MSA member number. | ||
ausmeatNfasNumber | String (a20) | Yes | Recorded | NFAS number Feedlot Number |
National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme issued Feedlot Number. | ||
iscNvdSerialNumber | Integer (n6..8) | No | Created | National Vendor Declaration is a legal document for red meat traceability and market access. | |||
rmsccMeasurementDevice | String (an1..100) | No | Measured | Recorded measurement by a suitability calibrated device. For certain measurements a Trade Approved device must be used. | |||
rmsccMeasurementHuman | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Recorded measurement by a suitability trained an qualified person. If no measurement is recorded the value | |||
rmsccMeasurementsData | Array | No | Created | Identifies a group of data elements related to specific measurements. | |||
rmsccMeasurementDateTime | Date UTC+Offset | No | Generated | Recorded date and time of a measurement in UTC format (ISO8601) with location offset. | |||
rmsccMeasurementOperator | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifier of a suitability trained an qualified person. Preferred ID is via AUS-MEAT number, if no AUS-MEAT number exists, a suitably unique processor identifier should be used. If there is no Human operator use code: | |||
rmsccMeasurementOperatorType | String (an1) | Yes | Recorded | Is the identifier in the rmsccMeasurementOperator field an AUS-MEAT ID. | |||
rmsccMeasurementSerialNumber | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | The unique measurement identifier for each record. | |||
rmsccOmActionReason | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Recorded comment or reason associated with some action, activity, process, system or captured of information. If no measurement is recorded the value | |||
rmsccDeviceData | Array | No | Grouping tag | Identifies a group of data elements related to a specific devices. | |||
rmsccEquipmentBrand | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the specific brand of equipment | |||
rmsccEquipmentModel | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the specific model of equipment | |||
rmsccEquipmentSerialIncrement | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the amount by which the equipment increments it's measurement serial number. | |||
rmsccFirmwareVersion | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the specific firmware version of a piece of equipment or device. | |||
rmsccHardwareVersion | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Identifies the specific hardware version of a piece of equipment | |||
rmsccMeasurementAssigned | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Assigned recorded measurement where the measurement may have come from more than one measurement option. | |||
rmsccOmMeasurementType | String (an2..100) | Yes | Measured | Defines what is being measured. The value should be a published Attribute Code from either AUS-MEAT or MSA standard manuals. | |||
rmsccVersionNumber | String (an5) | No | List | Version of the payload type | |||
ausmeatOvineAlternativeCategory | String (a1..20) | Yes | Measured | HOGGET YEARLING MUTTON YEARLING SHEEP MEAT |
Determined by grouping permanent incisor eruptions to indicate the progressive chronological age of the animals. | ||
ausmeatOvineAlternativeCategoryCipher | String (a4) | Yes | Measured | Alternative Category Cipher for Ovine is defined as *YL*, *H*, *E*, *W* | |||
ausmeatOvineBasicCategory | String (a6) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category for Ovine defined as LAMB, MUTTON or RAM | |||
ausmeatOvineBasicCategoryCipher | String (a3) | Yes | Measured | Basic Category Cipher for Ovine is defined as *L*, *M*, *R* | |||
ausmeatOvineCarcaseSex | String (a1) | No | Measured | Sex is determined for a carcase after the point of knocking. | |||
ausmeatOvineDent | Integer (n1) | No | Meausred | Determined by the eruption of permanent incisor teeth in lamb, hogget, mutton and ram categories. | |||
ausmeatGrFat | Integer (n1..3) | No | Measured | Ovine (Sheep / Goat) GR fat measurement | |||
rmsccPackingDate | n(6) | No | Created | Packaging date (YYMMDD) | |||
ausmeatPackingMethodSymbol | String (a3) | Yes | List | Symbols used to indicate packing methods | |||
ausmeatPackingMethods | string (a1..20) | Yes | Recorded | Correct packaging of red meat meat for overall quality and shelf life of the product. | |||
rmsccPayloadName | String (an41) | No | Recorded | Payload name. | |||
ausmeatP2Fat | Integer (n1..3) | No | Measured | Porcine (Pig) P2 fat measurement | |||
rmsccPostStunWeight | Decimal (0..2) | No | Measured | Representation of the animal live weight as near to the time of stunning or knocking as possible. | |||
ausmeatBodyNumber | Integer (n1..5) | No | Created | Body Number of the carcase issued on a slaughter floor at time of stunning or knocking. | |||
nlisProcessorPIC | String (an1..8) | No | Recorded | Property Identification Code for processing establishments. | |||
iscRfid | an(16) | No | Created | RFID Tag NLIS RFID |
Purpose to track and trace in livestock | ||
ausmeatRibFatMeasurement | Integer (n1..2) | No | Measured | Measurement of the thickness of subcutaneous fat at a specified rib. | |||
nlisSaleyardPIC | String (an8) | No | Recorded | Property Identification Codes for Saleyards | |||
gs1Sscc | n(18) | No | Created | Serial Shipping Container Code used in logistics | |||
ausmeatChainNumber | Integer (n1) | No | Recorded | Chain Chain Number |
Identifies the chain number as issued by a processing establishment | ||
ausmeatSfLotCount | Integer (n1..4) | No | Recorded | Lot Count Lot head count |
Count of the head for a nominated lot or mob of livestock. | ||
rmsccSoftwareVersion | String (an1..100) | No | Recorded | Records version of the software of a device or system. | |||
ausmeatSpecies | String (a4..10) | Yes | List | Text value that defines the species | |||
rmsccStunningDateTime | Date UTC+Offset | No | Generated | Stunning or Knocking Date and Time in a UTC format with time zone offset. | |||
rmsccSupplyChainSuffix | an(1000) | No | Recorded | Context of the data attribute | |||
ausmeatPH | Integer (n1..2) | Yes | Measured | Measurement of lactic acid within the muscle. | |||
ausmeatVealMeatColour | String (an1..2) | Yes | Measured | Meat Colour is predominant colour of the rib eye muscle (M.longissimus dorsi). |